Monday, October 11, 2010

"No one can be proud of being a homosexual dysfunctional"

Today I came across an article in Publico, quoting a New York Republican politician Carl P. Paladino displaying his ideology of homosexuality in Brooklyn.

The article talks about Paladino implying that children should not be brainwashed into thinking living a homosexual lifestyle will bring them as much success as one in a heterosexual family and marriage. He then goes on to say that he is not homophobic, nor does he wish anything bad upon those that are. According to an article in the New York Times, New Yorkers are ¨considering moving out of the state if he becomes governor."

It was interesting to me to see something like this turn up in a Spanish publication. To be honest I was very surprised at how much Spain talks about American politics, culture, music, etc when I came here, because we hardly ever features stories about Spanish politics and such in our publications. Although it was an upsetting article to hear from a U.S. politician, it sort of reinforced it seeing it in a foreign newspaper. I feel as though that one little article amongst an array of democratic-liberal article sort of makes the U.S. seem very prejudice and close-minded, just because of this one, ultra-conservative politician. It was a very troubling article in general, and not the best example of the U.S.

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